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I Thought Of You...

I talk to you all day long...
I say to myself,
I wonder if she hears
any of this I am saying to her?
I'm telling you all day long
how much I love you and miss you so...

I tell you all day long
how much I want to be by your side
and to hold you close to my heart...
Your smile lightens up my heart
everytime I see it in my mind...
How I wish I could have you
by my side everyday
and everynight,
every minute and every hour!

I've got your company in my thoughts
and in my heart all day long...
you're never a moment away...
You've captured my heart,
my soul and my being...
I want not to take from you,
but to give you all I have...
And I believe in you ...

I'm here waiting for you...
Please just keep up your faith in me
and know that all my days and nights
are filled with you in my mind...


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